Men's Relaxed Fit Cycling Jerseys

Our Relaxed Fit Men's Cycling Jerseys have been designed for those who prefer a looser fit with freedom of movement and comfort on the bike.

Men's Relaxed Fit Cycling Jerseys

Our Relaxed Fit Men's Cycling Jerseys have been designed for those who prefer a looser fit with freedom of movement and comfort on the bike.


如果您正在尋找稍微寬鬆的自行車騎行服,我們的寬鬆短袖騎行服是您的理想選擇。採用更寬鬆的剪裁設計,提供活動空間,並且專為舒適度而設計。採用透氣的雙向彈性布料製成,袖口寬鬆。三個後口袋和一個拉鍊口袋非常適合存放您的騎行必需品,後下擺夾可將球衣固定到位。全長 YKK 拉鍊可透過反光元件輕鬆控制通風,增加安全性。這款騎乘服將獨特的 Cycology 風格與寬鬆版型相結合,具備您進行任何類型自行車騎乘所需的所有功能。