Men's Cycling Clothing

Cycology has an extensive range of men's cycling clothes including men's cycling jerseys, mountain bike jerseys, bib shorts, jackets, base layers and essentials engineered to deliver total comfort and protection on every ride. Browse our men's cycling apparel range for all your biking needs.

Men's Cycling Clothing

Cycology has an extensive range of men's cycling clothes including men's cycling jerseys, mountain bike jerseys, bib shorts, jackets, base layers and essentials engineered to deliver total comfort and protection on every ride. Browse our men's cycling apparel range for all your biking needs.

Cycology Singapore


Life Behind Bars 男士比賽奇行服

Cycology Singapore



Cycology Singapore


Horizo​​n 男士比賽騎行服

Cycology Singapore



Cycology Singapore


Summit #2 Men's Jersey

Cycology Singapore


Mahalo Gravel Shirt

Cycology Singapore


Mexicali Gravel Shirt

Cycology Singapore


Zanzibar MTB Jersey
Sold out
Zanzibar MTB Jersey

Cycology Singapore


Lahaina Men's Technical T-Shirt
Sold out
Lahaina Men's Technical T-Shirt

Cycology Singapore



我們時尚的彩色圖案和設計是我們所有騎行裝備不可或缺的一部分,將確保您在任何騎行中看起來都很酷,感覺很棒。我們有貼身舒適的男士高性能球衣、寬鬆的寬鬆球衣和登山車球衣。我們的布料是高端材料,可增強運動表現,具有出色的排汗能力,並讓您在騎乘時自由活動。 男士騎行短褲採用輕質壓縮面料製成,旨在吸收衝擊、防止擦傷並承受騎行過程中的各種因素。

在寒冷中保持乾燥和溫暖是我們 冬季騎行裝備男士長袖騎行服的關鍵特點。我們的男士騎行背心和輕便夾克旨在讓您保持溫暖,我們建議至少購買一件可折疊的輕便夾克,以應對天氣突然變化的情況。無論您是屬於公路自行車部落還是 MTB,Cycology 都能滿足您的需求。